
Stress is a choice... you make for yourself

The Fruit of the Spirit is more potent than gifts

Heaven is attracted to the Jesus in you!

We are only challenged by the goodness of God

The Paradox: God is consistent yet unpredictable

Don't pretend.... PRACTICE

Disempower.... your disappointment

Every problem... has a provision

People want new... but think old

You are responsible for your own spirituality

Tension indicates that something is happening

The stance is your circumstance

Your intimacy is intimidating

We never exit Worship

Empowered to Reach the Unreachable

Jesus commissioned us to go into all the world and reach EVERYONE with the Gospel. That sounds amazing, but what about the really dark places and the ones who seem completely given over to that darkness? What about the really, really lost? How do we reach the satanists? The deeply devoted New Agers? The porn industry executives who seem to love the darkness and profit from it? Or, even, your prodigal?

If you have ever wondered if someone is beyond saving? Jesus absolutely can reach anyone, anywhere, any time … and as you watch you will also realize He WANTS to give you creative downloads on effective ways to reach the “unreachable.”

Service 6

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Service 7

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The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ).

“When He comes, He will tell us all things.” - John4:25

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All Rights Reserved