The Shift


The Shift That Changes Everything

Move Beyond Your Thinking Mind to STOP listening to “the voice in the head” by no longer giving attention to habitual thought patterns and self-talk. Move beyond this negative voice in the head always speaking of lack and unfulfillment. Our MISSION is to harness, illuminate and fuel your creativity into a viable solution.


Kingdom Authority endows us with power-tools far greater than Rome’s battering-ram. Keeping in mind that stones in Jerusalem’s walls weighed 570 tons were dismantled and pushed aside by the Roman Army when they choose to work together rhythmically releasing tremendous energy by using the battering-ram. Battering-rams were mere wooden scaffolds supporting ordinary logs, manned by teams of soldiers, empowered by a principle of physics, that penetrated Jerusalem’s walls and brought the city to defeat.

But unlike Rome, which demanded total cooperation from its troops and absolute unison in the men operating the battering ram, the Community of Believers is broken into thousands of competitive groups. Figuratively, a town with ten individuals has all 10 individuals pulling the rope in ten different directions. Rhythm is totally lost and the devil’s strongholds feels no impact from the ram. The result is failed warfare and a defeated army.

But, thank God!, it is this disunity and division which the Holy Spirit is correcting in our day. All such discord exists only in the earth-bound; no such conditions exist in the Kingdom of God. Across the globe, Kingdom Minded Believers are suddenly understanding the “Kingdom Message”! Become one of them! Join with us.

The fact that Jerusalem’s stones were larger, heavier, and stronger than the battering-ram, did not alter the fact that they still had to move. Darkness cannot resist light, death cannot resist life, so the stationary rock wall could not resist the impact of the log. In a parallel way, when the authority of Scripture, spoken by a believing disciple, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, is brought against a demonic stronghold, there is an immediate effect. Outwardly, hell may pretend that it has not happened but inwardly it knows that it has; best of all, the kingdom of darkness panics with the attack. If the saints proceed in faith, believing what their eyes cannot see, and do not quit the battle early, they will win. When believers follow God’s battle plans, it is impossible for them to lose.

It was because of this established pattern that Paul wrote the Romans that “the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.” Romans 16:20. God always does the crushing. That is absolute fact. But it is equally true that He does it under the feet of the believers. If Satan is not being crushed it is because the Church is not carrying out its mission. Demons are forcibly exorcised wherever the Kingdom of God is present. Matthew 12:28.

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