The eight Know Thyself words capture the essence of my journey and the message you want to share with you.



Can you fathom the mysteries of God and can you probe the limits of the Almighty?

What is the furthest journey you have been on?

Can you imagine growing old, looking back on your life and recognizing that you spent your entire life participating in a system that enslaved generations?

Convergence is not a formula where we are trying to connect the dots between the
seasons of our life but an opportunity to explore what God has been doing thus far within you.

It’s time for a revolution in our vision. Vision starts with identity and purpose. Through a revolution in our identity, we can think with divine purpose. Such a change begins with a revelation of Him.

Original Commission

God created man in His image
and placed him in the ultimate expression of love, beauty, order and peace: the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve had a mission: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.”

They were to have many children who lived under God’s rule extending the boundaries of His garden, His government, through simple devotion and love.

The greater the number of people in right relationship with God, the
greater the impact of their leadership. This process was to continue until the entire earth is covered with the glorious rule of God through man.

Dominion Empowers

The Sovereign One placed us in
charge of planet earth. “The heavens are the LORD’S; but the earth He has given to the children of men.” The highest of honors always chooses the best. The beginning of romance of our creation, created in His image
for intimacy and dominion expressed through love.

Man was given the keys of dominion over the planet. For the devil to obtain the keys, his efforts were to get Adam and Eve to agree with him in opposition to God, thus empowering him. Through this agreement, he is enabled to steal, kill and destroy. Satan is empowered through man’s

Born to Rule

Jesus came to bear man’s
penalty for sin and recapture what had been lost. Luke 19:10 says that
Jesus came to “seek and save that which was lost.” Not only was mankind lost to sin, his dominion over planet earth was also lost. Jesus came to recapture both.

In redeeming man, Jesus retrieved what man had given away. He declared, “All authority is given to Me in Heaven and on earth. Go therefore…”

Satan was defeated by a man – The Son of Man – who was rightly related to God. Receive the work of Christ on the cross for salvation, be grafted into victory. He is Risen triumphant with the keys to death and hell.

Service 2

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Service 4

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The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ).

“When He comes, He will tell us all things.” - John4:25

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