The eight Know Thyself words capture the essence of my journey and the message you want to share with you.


Unshakable Ethical Foundation

How many times have you gone through the same situation more than once only to be left feeling frustrated and asking God why?

But what if God was actually using the situation to teach us about our new identity in Him and the situation keeps coming back around because we have not learned how to become new?

In the new man, God makes all things new, giving us the opportunity to make our situations and circumstances new. We are learning to be a new person that no longer reacts to the situation, but instead responds to God.

So then, the critical issue in every circumstance is not the situation; it’s us, because God designed the situation to empower us to pick up a new part of our identity.

As we step into newness, we get a new picture of the situation. This puts us in a place where we have the power in the situation rather than the situation having power of us.

God Will Not Let You Stay Stuck.

The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ).

“When He comes, He will tell us all things.” - John4:25

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