The eight Know Thyself words capture the essence of my journey and the message you want to share with you.
“In the fullness of time…” Or, at just the right time, the right season. Africans know kairos; Westerners know chronos!
James Strong Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible defines kairos this way: an occasion, i.e., set or proper time; convenient, due season; (due, short, while) time, a while.
Are you driven by chronos, or sensitive to kairos? Where chronos is important, do you have it working for you or against you?
Is there a unwillingness to be open to what God may have in store? You hear it from people eager to indicate that their resume is complete. But the question is not, “Have you been there and done that?” Rather, “What happened to you when you were there and doing whatever ‘that’ happened to be?”
After the Israelites tour around the desert, how would God have responded if the people of Israel had said, “Been there, done that,” when God told them to take another lap? The seasons in our life are not measured in terms of some heavenly checklist.
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